Frog Breakdown: The "Nice Guy" Who Never Makes a Move

One of the biggest reasons women struggle to get what they want out of dating is that they keep “kissing frogs.” Today’s episode is the first in a series of Frog Breakdowns. In these episodes, Dominique will break down the different kinds of “frogs” that women wind up with if they are not being very discerning or using good judgment. It’s all too easy to find yourself spending time and energy on guys who are not the kind of guy you actually want to be with in the long run. That’s a bad investment of your time and effort, and it only delays your ability to connect with the right guy. To break this cycle and meet the guy who is the right match for you, you’ve got to quit kissing frogs. And that starts by being able to spot a “frog” when you encounter them in the wild (aka, the real world of dating). Today, Dominique discusses the “nice guy” who never makes a move, what makes him a frog, and what qualities you want to be looking for instead.

Click below to listen, or find the Quit Kissing Frogs podcast on your favorite podcast streaming platform.


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